Tuesday, May 31, 2011

violet ~ watercolors, oil pastels & casein paint, 4" x 6"


Monday, May 30, 2011

casein paint, watercolors, gouache & oil pastel on cotton, 4" x 4" in te's book


Saturday, May 28, 2011

oil pastel, casein paint, gouache, and watercolors on plaster cloth, 4" x 4" in te's book


Friday, May 27, 2011

casein paint, watercolors, gouache & oil pastel, 4" x 6"


Thursday, May 26, 2011

blonde ~ casein paint, watercolors, gouache, & oil pastels, 4" x 6"


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

truth teller with pink hair and pink shoes ~ gouache, oil pastel, watercolors & colored pencil, 4" x 6"

(i got sorta mesmerized by these truth tellers...)

today at 5:30! the snow decides to stick!


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

dogwood woman ~ colored pencils, oil pastels, watercolors and gouache - 4" x 6"

thank you all for your kind words about these faces... the main thing that enabled me to paint while i was in virginia was

this little trailer... it was my home away from home and my art stuff stayed on the table; all i had to do was sit down, put the music on and paint. thank you rick and carole... (my brother-in-law and sister)


Monday, May 23, 2011

watercolors, gouache, casein paint, and oil pastels - 4" x 6"

today i discovered 100 Girls on Cheap Paper by tina berning. whoa! you can click on thumbnails of all of the paintings here ...


Sunday, May 22, 2011

watercolors, gouache & oil pastels - 4" x 6"


Saturday, May 21, 2011

gouache, watercolor, and oil pastel - 4" x 6"

so i'm going to (quietly ; ) post some pages from the chartreuse journal... what i ended up doing was covering the pages that i wanted to paint on with book or magazine pages. glued them down with matte gel medium as i went along... about half the pages in the book have pogo prints and writing on them, and the other half i painted on. most of the faces are heavy on the white gouache!! the skin starts out as cream caran d'ache oil pastel, and evolves from there.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

blowing kisses

truth teller with yellow hair ~ watercolor, gouache, & oil pastel, chartreuse journal, 4" x 6"

and staying quiet in the blog world, for now, at least...

i've done so much, seen so much since my last post. a month in virginia with family and friends, and last week, five days in salem, oregon. the little chartreuse book is almost full! soooo many things that i could write about, but one that i want to mention for sure is the traveling picasso exhibit that opens in san francisco on june 11. i saw it at the virginia museum of fine arts in richmond, and it touched me to the core. i've never considered myself a huge picasso fan, but to be in the presence of his work, of the work of someone who was compelled to paint every day, moved me more than i could ever have imagined. if you're an obsessive painter/drawer, go see it if you can...

if you're stopping by for the first time because you've seen my stuff here or here, welcome! please feel free to ask questions - i'll be happy to answer them!

to everyone, i send my love!

* * *

I paint the way some people write their autobiography. The paintings, finished or not, are the pages from my diary.

~ Pablo Picasso